What others are saying about VideoGet

I have never been moved to rave about any program before. Videoget does a great job and tech support actually responds and does so in a timely manner.
I would purchase anything from this company.

04 December 2008. Beryl I. Chong

Nuclear Coffee Software created VideoGet to your satisfaction, a software capable of downloading the video content on a number of websites (100 plus) covering all the subjects, from learning lessons on how to handle certain software to entertaining with funny movies or even porn.
27 February 2007. Softpedia review

Gracious.... I really didn't think you would add it THAT fast. Thanks. Thanks. Thanks. Thanks. Thanks. Thanks. Thanks I'm telling everybody I know about VideoGet. Again thanks.
2 January 2007. David. R.

Wow.Yahoo. I have always been waiting and searching for a converter that can convert all my video. Now, no more hassle. Meet my requirement. Not just a converter but downloader and converter. Words can't express my feelings
11 April 2007. Desmond

Unbelievable! Excellent! Useful! Thank you Developers!
Kiril, Bulgaria

The program works good and fast. So in a scale from 0-10 I give the program 10 points.

handy time saving utility program: quick and easy installation and registration: wish they were all easy like that.

Fantastic I love it thanks I have been waiting for one of these for ages and it is so easy to use. Thanks

I've been waiting for something like this, if only could have gotten it earlier, then I didn't had to use youtube links on presentation. But again this is awesome. It downloads really fast, converts exactly as u want and very simple to use, just paste in the url and download the clip. This is a really cool, easy to use software and would recommend to anyone who watches videos online. I would give it 10 out of 10

So very cool. What a unique program this is. I downloaded and converted a fav youtube video to my cell phone. Gonna wow all my friends now!

This is a must for YouTube Fans! Not just get to view but download it instead! For own viewing later! Recommend It! *****

Amazing, works great: I downloaded it sceptical: but it is working perfect
Veronica C.

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